Clients and friends are often surprised to learn that I develop my own film at home. It sounds like a complicated process that requires a darkroom, but it’s actually much simpler than that. Developing film myself saves me some money over the cost of lab processing, plus I get to see my photos right away. Paired with the ability to scan negatives at home, it’s like having my own One Hour Photo!
This challenging time of quarantine has afforded me the time to (finally!) record video of my developing process. I’ve made separate videos for 120 and 35mm film. I hope they’re helpful. I plan to continue making these videos, please follow this page, or subscribe to my YouTube channel, or follow me on Instagram for more.
I developed some 35mm film in my kitchen, I hope you all enjoy watching the process and hopefully are inspired to shoot more film. Instagram Live video, plea...
Quarantine kitchen lab continues with some 120 film shot in a Hasselblad, follow along if you're interested in developing film.